Giovanni Zagni

Giovanni ZAGNI, PhD, is the Director of Pagella Politica, the only Italian fact-checking project entirely devoted to politicians’ claims, and of Facta, a fact-checking project focused on online disinformation. A journalist, he is a member of the Monitoring Unit on Disinformation around COVID-19 established by the Italian government in April 2020, as well as a member of the Technical Table on pluralism and correctness of information established by the Italian Authority for Communications (AGCom). He has given lectures on fact-checking and disinformation-related issues in various Italian universities and public events. His articles on topics ranging from foreign policy to the debate around online misinformation have appeared in various Italian publications, including the Italian version of Scientific American. In 2019, Zagni participated in the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program on Responsible Journalism and the Challenge of Disinformation, a project for Italy, administered by Meridian International Center and arranged locally by Global Ties San Francisco.